SyoBoN's Home


My Profile

Name: SyoBoN (SyoBoNeko or syobocat)
Place: Japan

Just an ordinary Japanese

I'm a Linux noob; Gentoo is the best

  • Languages
    • Japanese (Native)
    • English (CEFR B1, CEFR-J B1.2)
  • Conlangs
    • Esperanto
    • toki pona
    • Hymmnos
    • Lojban
  • Programming Languages
    • Powershell
    • bash
    • C#
    • Rust

  • Rhythm Games
    • Arcaea (Potential 11.56)
    • Cytus
    • Cytus II
    • Deemo
    • Dynamix (WT01 Class11 Prime, Class12 High)
    • RAVON (Rating 31.02)
    • And others...


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